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Rise Up Australia Party

This is an introduction to the Rise Up Australia Party which is an open Party for all like minded people to join.
Now Rise Up Australia LTD
There is more here information and here in greater depth.

Rise Up Australia Party

RUAP Leaflet 1

   Policy Principles

RUAP Leaflet 2

Australia is a land of many rich cultures but is in danger of those cultures segregating into ethnic groups. To keep Australia one we should rather work towards Many Nations, Many Cultures, but One Culture that is Australian. We should all be proud to be Australian and work together for the common good of  keeping it that way. The right of free speech should remain central to what we do and no one ethnic culture should seek to deny that right. There is no need for seperate courts and seperate law to govern this culture and that culture but to accept the Law of the Land in its Federal and State legislation. We should work to see that, that Law is made in fair and just ways for all peoples in Australia.
This brief page is not a detailed list of what the Rise Up Australia Party stands for but an introduction to the fact that it is now an open Party in Australia that has come to stay. The contact details for the Rise Up Australia Party are shown in the leaflet above. The Party is looking for members the form can be found here.
 Here is the Party website.

© Copyright JR JF Brumby Arke Promotions